Access to Resources, Engineering Capabilities and
Financial Stability

As a part of Harris Corporation, Harris CapRock brings customers a wealth of innovation, best practices and solutions from other industries for improved capabilities and better overall service.

Harris has always been dedicated to best-in-class assured communications products, systems and services. This technical expertise and these expansive capabilities support the Harris CapRock product portfolio offered to you

Global Presence and Reach
  • Harris offers the financial stability of being part of a $5.5 billion company
  • 15,000+ employees located in 125 countries around the world
  • Harris sells to almost every country in the world

Comprehensive Communications Knowledge and IT Resources
  • 6,000+ scientists and engineers
  • 3,000+ skilled, certified IT technicians
  • 10,000+ customer sites receiving IT services

Technical Innovation and Significant Intellectual Property
  • R&D investments of more than $1 billion per year
  • New capabilities and technologies for government and commercial markets
  • Innovative and trusted communications technology company with 1,720+ patents