Future COMSATCOM Services Acquisition (FCSA)

Harris CapRock’s commercial satellite communications solutions are available under several Special Item Numbers (SINs) created by the General Services Administration (GSA) and Defense Information Systems Agency’s (DISA) Future COMSATCOM Services Acquisition (FCSA) program. While Harris CapRock has existing services and equipment available on the GSA Schedule 70 contract, the FCSA SINs are specifically for subscription services and transponded capacity. Under these two SINs, Harris CapRock provides:

Transponded Capacity (SIN 132-54) Dedicated satellite bandwidth and power in any commercially available frequency band (C-, Ku, and Ka), basic customer training, and core management and control of the transponded capacity.

Subscription Services (SIN 132-55) Preexisting, pre-engineered Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) or Mobile Satellite Service (MSS) solutions, including terminals tied to a service, in any commercial frequency band.

For additional information, please contact Harris CapRock’s FCSA Program Manager, Carmen Falcon at 703.752.684, or via email at carmen.falcon@harris.com.