2011 – A Year Worth Remembering for Harris CapRock

Each December, SatMagazine and MilsatMagazine present an annual Year in Review edition, in which companies within the SATCOM industry and various market segments discuss challenges and successes faced during 2011, as well as their outlook for 2012.

In this year’s entry, Harris CapRock President Tom Eaton recalled the significant milestones in 2011 associated with the integration of four separate businesses. Also, Mr. Eaton shared his insight on the long-term value for Harris CapRock customers around the world in 2012 and beyond.

SatNews – MilsatMagazine, 2011 Year in Review - Harris CapRock Communications
Harris CapRock had a significant year in 2011, as the business experienced measurable growth and change. Harris CapRock was formed in April, after Harris Corporation acquired CapRock Communications in 2010. Combined with two subsequent acquisitions and Harris' existing maritime-subsea business, the newly formed Harris CapRock is now the world's largest provider of communications to customers in remote and harsh environments across government, energy and maritime markets.

Read the article from MilsatMagazine (.pdf)